Order now! 

For the month of December only when you purchase B. Hamilton’s Everything I Own is Broken on limited edition colored 12″ vinyl ($16.00) you get a FREE copy of…

Shuteye Unison’s Our Future Selves on colored 12″ vinyl

or Carcrashlander’s Where to Swim on 12″ Vinyl

or Edaline’s Old City Scenes on 10″ vinyl.


You choose.  Two amazing records for the price of one!  And, as always, shipping is FREE and a percentage of all sales go to non-profit park saving organizations like:


– National Parks Conservation Association – protects and enhances America’s National Park System for present and future generations.

– National Forest Foundation – engages Americans in community-based and national programs that promote the health and public enjoyment of the 193-million-acre National Forest System.

– Golden Gate Parks Conservancy – preserves the Golden Gate National Parks, enhance the park visitor experience, and build a community dedicated to conserving the parks for the future.


Two for one!  Just in time for the holidays!  Order now!


After we receive your order we will contact you to confirm your shipping address and which bonus record you prefer – Our Future Selves or Where to Swim or Old City Scenes?  Order now!


Happy Holidays + Love,

Team Parks and Records